Work-Life Balance is quite often determined from your work as our professional life takes up the majority of our time. But what is Work-Life Balance? Aiming for a balance between work and care-giving means successful reconciliation of work and personal life, imbalances can lead to a variety of problems, ranging from health complaints, job losses, to the neglect of interpersonal relationships. It is not easy to find a balance of different areas of life. Important questions are: What is important for my personal balance? What would I compromise? If you take a look at your work-life balance, you can decide for yourself that, instead of quantity (more work, more money, more tasks), quality (more sense, more joy, and more creativity) should be prioritized. Meaningful time can be significantly more valuable than simply fulfilling work. The right, meaningful use of time, can also be termed total lifetime management. Time is a precious resource and we’ll give you an idea of how to best handle it. The course contains many practical tips and lessons.