Behavioral Change Coaching Package 1 (6 sessions incl. Material)

I am convinced that setting goals and achieving them depends a lot on our mindset and capacity for emotional self-regulation. That is why I offer specific, scientifically validated coaching that offers concrete and very practical tools that help the client to be more aware, make better decisions and achieve greater satisfaction at all levels.
In my coaching work I use the methodology of the HeartMath Institute and the neuroscience of change according to Dr. Joe Dispenza as well as elements of the latest research from the Neuroleadership Institute on behavioral change. These combined elements help to understand how the brain and body work together and helps us to align emotions, thoughts and actions in a very practical way. The results? a lot of “aha” moments resulting in an enhanced perception and understanding of our lives and a greater ease in recognizing our goals and how to achieve them. Increased energy and a clear strategy in implementation.
How my coaching works:
First session: Onboarding and goal setting, we get to know each other and define the method to follow according to your needs.
Next sessions: we analyze your personal situation, possible blockages and external factors, explore options and define concrete actions to achieve your goal.

6 Coaching Sessions incl. Material (45 Min)
Dates are agreed bilateral.
Coach: Maria Luisa Engels
Language: English, German, Spanish

The 1:1 coaching sessions will be either via Skype, FaceTime, Zoom or phone.