Invest in yourself – Focus on finance! (Group online program 4 weeks, 4 modules)

Restructuring is a term used within finance to facilitate sustainable change for a corporate capital structure.  Individuals rarely think about their own capital structure or their ability to change it.  Change is essential for your growth and development as a person.  The catalyst for change can come from a desire within or from an external factor, either predictable or exceptional.  To navigate and facilitate change, there often needs to be an individual or family financial plan and assessment of income, assets and liabilities, much as a company who is embarking on a restructuring would carry out.  Targeting personal financial goals is crucial to facilitate a successful transition.
This course aims to lay the foundations to achieve a better understanding of your personal financial strategy. Enhancing your knowledge to make the best decisions for yourself and your business will be helpful to navigate your change process. Financial market theory states that most people are “risk averse”. To explore this, individuals must be aware of the risk and reward trade off to take calculated and manageable risks where the scenarios are fully understood and balanced to deliver a successful personal or business strategy. This 4 weeks programme consist out of 4 virtual instructor led modules with the following key themes:

1) Enhancing essential Excel skills and financial maths – Intermediate level course to improve Excel based financial analysis, modelling financial concepts, evaluation of the most important factors in financial decision making & A practical understanding of financial instruments, services terminology and tools.

2) Individual balance sheet: Identifying personal baseline balance sheet and cashflow – Translation and understanding of key accounting disciplines, applied to a personal level or a small business, planning for liabilities and income, understanding cashflow for investment decision making

3) Financial resilience – what are the drivers for financial resilience: Identify and target what your credit and risk scenario tolerance is, “What if” analysis at a personal level, decision making for leveraged property investment, four factors for property investment analysis, whether is it your next home or a business investment

4) Accessing capital to deliver your financial goals – Business planning and goal setting: Whether you want to go freelance in your current profession or diversify to a new career model, an adaptable and sustainable business plan is for the first 24 months is essential, growth and capital go hand in hand. Prepare for a successful conversation with your bank and financial advisors in order to deliver the successful transition you require for positive and lasting change.

Availability: 10 in stock

Date: March 2022
Time: 7pm CEST
Duration: approx 2 hours/each
Number of participants: Max 10
Language: English

Pre-Course requirements:

  • Introductory Excel skills
  • Completing the access questionnaire
  • Delivering a personal financial plan template – to be completed during the course and can remain private to the delegate.

Note: Some elements will be run on Microsoft Excel, therefore personal access to MS Excel is required. The main session will be delivered via Zoom Link. Details will be provided after your registration.